Vegg'ed Out...
Yeah. I know. I should've gone out this weekend and taken some more pictures. I had my reasons. For one, I'm prepping for my class this week. I'll finally be teaching. I've been dying for some action for the past few weeks. All I've been doing is reading and trust me, reading the goddamn manual over and over will kill brain cells. There's only so much you can read. Reason number two is that, I have to wait just a little longer to get a few filters and a tripod for my camera. I'm really itching to take day and night shots of the city.
Anywayz, I woke up this morning and the first thing that struck me were my window blinds. I just recently noticed how the morning light gradiently touches on each individual blind. I don't know. To you it just might seem like regular blinds but honestly, for me, it gives me that fresh start feeling. That and the fact that the pattern is nice.
Another thing I did today, like what I usually do on weekends is cook something different. Yeah, I seem to have quite a number of hobbies. One of them, which I've been doing for a while now is cooking. I've saved up a few recipies over the last couple of years that I know for sure my Mom would never cook. She's never been the adventurous kind. Luckily for me, I am. Today, I decided to spice things up Thai way. I cooked something called Gai Pad Khing (Ginger Chicken). I think I overdid myself on this one. This has got to be the one of the best dishes I've cooked up so far. In any case, the recipie can be found here.
Well...until the next blog. Bon jour!